02 February 2012

14 Days of Love

Day 2: Love Your Inner Child

Cashier: would you like to add something ma’am?
Me: No, I am good with that.
Cashier: Flashes an awkward smile and look at her assistant
                Assistant smiles back and look at me

I am not buying a condom, am I? This was the scene yesterday when I bought this mouse nose strap with head band at Accessorize. Why? What’s with the smile? Am I not allowed to purchase items at kids’ section? Somebody answer me please.

I am 25 years old but honestly I don’t feel close enough to that age. I feel like I am just somewhere near 12-19 and I don’t care if you laugh at me when I go out and wear diapers. No, that is an exaggeration :D. Am I regressing? Probably not. Maybe I just love cute and childish things. Am I not normal? I don’t know the answer.

“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek; and you shall find”-  [Matthew 7:7-8].”

I googled the answer and alas found an article discussing about the psychology of inner child. According to the article an "inner child" is the:

* Little child you were who desired to be nurtured, cared for and loved. This child still resides within you as an adult.
* Emotional and sensitive you whom you have channeled, controlled and silenced and who is still living within you.
* Creative, imaginative and artistic you who has been molded, structured and organized; who still resides in you and is needing to be set free.

Oh my! There is a brat living inside me and keeping me broke! :D

Furthermore, an article from psychologytoday.com stresses that: “the inner child is real. Not literally. Nor physically. But figuratively, metaphorically real. It is--like complexes in general--a psychological or phenomenological reality, and an extraordinarily powerful one at that. Indeed, most mental disorders and destructive behavior patterns are, as Freud first intimated, more or less related to this unconscious part of ourselves. We were all once children, and still have that child dwelling within us.

Oh yes! I am normal after all. But why is my inner child manifesting clearly unlike other individuals?

From my research I found the closest possible reason which is: When I was a younger I repressed my  little child to appear more responsible, serious and achievement-oriented. I grew up too fast and wasn’t given a chance to grow and mature in a normal sequence of events. At 25 I am facing a problem designed for 35-40 years old. I know that’s crazy but I am not exaggerating this time. When you are into business, it will drain your younger self and will make you age at a 2x rate. And to compensate I am looking for ways to care and nurture my younger version in order to prevent burn out.
In essence, loving your inner child is good. Accept and nurture every aspect of you in order to live your life to the fullest. It is okay to rediscover the childhood you have lost or forgotten. It is absolutely fine to loosen ourselves in fun and frolic or cry over sentimental movie/tv shows.
                Go ahead.. look for your most ridiculous childhood days dress… hug it and jump in glee and let your inner child emerge once again.
Laugh hard
Love unconditionally
Cry when needed
Let your adult self spend time with your inner child today. :D

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