22 September 2011

Someday, Maybe List

I always embrace possibilities and I constantly look for ways to make them happen. Recently, I have this feeling that my days are passing by without any tangible output to speak of. Where am I heeding? What kind of life am I building? Having these questions in my head made me reconsider updating my bucket list of things that I have always wanted to happen, emotions that I wanted to feel and experiences that I wanted to treasure. I was able to check off quite a few in my list and I will constantly update this as I come across new demands in my life. I hope my "Someday, Maybe List" of things that I wanted to accomplish before I die will inspire you to make your own list and feel free to share with me your ways of executing them. 

1. Walk in the rain like a child
2. Learn a foreign language- or at least 100 words to string together a sentence or thought.
3. Go for an annual check-up with my physician or OB-gyne.
4. Go on a trip on my own to have some serious "me" time
5. Faithfully keep a grateful journal where I'd list down things to be thankful for.
6. Join a Yoga class
7. Volunteer for a cause. And really stick to it!
8. Learn to City drive
9. Learn how to fix a flat tire.
10. Stick to a beauty regimen to ward off skin aging!
11. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible
12. Be more serious about my savings and finances
13. create a soundtrack of my life
14. try out an exotic cuisine
15. Practice an eco-friendly lifestyle by using a canvass shopping bag
16. Buy one gadget I really covet
17. Go on a retreat
18. Sign up for a self-defense class
19. Take up a new sport
20. Dare to try a new trend
21. Stay away from toxic people!
22. Face at least 5 fears
23 Work out every other day for one month
24. Write my life story
25. Get lost and explore a new place
26. Take Crazy photos of myself
27. Vote!
28. Sing my heart out with some friends
29. Do something unexpected for someone I don't know
30. Start a club for something I really like
31. Decorate my office desk
32. Go on a Philippine tour
33. Paint, even if I don't know how
34. Talk to my stuffed animal
35. Dance like no one's watching
36. Write my self a love letter
37. Update my resume
38. Learn and Apply CPR
39. Wear a costume
40. Watch and enjoy the sunset
41. Fake an accent
42. Donate to my favorite charity
43. Play up my strengths, know my weaknesses
44. Expand my identity
45. Learn to play a musical instrument
46. Go home early from work
47. Quit shopping for a month
48. Learn sign language
49. Learn to swim
50. Be the interior decorator of my dream house
51. Memorize the multiplication table
52. Write an article for Ehow
53. Build my dream business
54. Find my way into the fashion industry..char!
55. Make a photo album with all my treasured pictures
56. Buy my mama and papa a house to call their own :)
57. Make a valedictory speech
58. Get and maintain a college scholarship 
59. Be interviewed on T.V.
60. Own a company with at least 50 employees
61. Get married and have my own happy family
62. Drive a car that is worthy of wearing a driving gloves
63. Have a picnic at midnight
64.. Witness a sunrise for 30 days straight
65. Be friends with a prime minister/president of a country
66. Climb to the top of a reasonably high mountain
67. Help build a house for a homeless family
68. Ride in a hot air balloon
69. Learn how to eat properly with chopsticks
70. Send a message in a bottle
71. Conquer the sky adventure in Cebu
72. Spend 24 hours alone in the jungle
73. Connect with all my teachers and let them know how they shaped my life
74. Plant my own tree and watch it grow
75. Live in another country for a minimum of six months
76. Get featured on a newspaper for an achievement I am proud of
77. Bake a cake for my nieces and nephews
78. Live through 4 seasons of the year- winter, spring, summer and fall
79. Fall asleep on a grassy plains
80. Tell at least 50 people about my bucket list and encourage them to do the same
81. Ride a roller coaster
82. Try out front-line customer service jobs for a month just for the experience
83. Fly a kite
84. Spend a night on a haunted house
85. Learn how to fire a gun
86. Buy a huge lego set and attempt to build something
87. Visit my neighborhood riding a bike
88. Never fight (or start to build a fight) with my boyfriend for 3 long months
89. Visit the famous Eiffel  tower
90. Be a family to a homeless child
91. Host a pageant 
92. Encourage my friends for a makeover
93. Own a clothing line and be the owner of a famous brand
94. Learn to use a sewing machine
95. Write a book
96. Hit New York Best seller's list har har!
97. Attend a cosplay event
98. Visit Disneyland
99. Shop at HongKong
100. Be in a Forensic Science job
101. Finish my Maters Degree
102. Take up a Med course and try to finish it ;)
103. Top in a licensure exam
104. Touch a real dolphin
105. Feed a lion
106. Be a loving owner of a pet
107. Go Scuba Diving
108. Enjoy a bungee jump
109. Make new friends when doing as many as possible from this list